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If you are not in receipt of the WFRA ENewsletter and have internet connection,please contact

RHQ Mercian Nottingham (newsletter@stand-firm-strike-hard.org.uk ) and we will send you the ENews update.

The telephone extension numbers for RHQ MERCIAN Nottingham (0115 9465415) are as follows;

Asst Regt Sec;                        Ext 5220
E1 Admin;                               Ext 5215
Assistant Curator/Archivist;     Ext 5219


Patron: HRH The Princess Royal
President: Brig P Dennis

You can also view the Newsletter in pdf format here (http://www.stand-firm-strike-hard.org.uk/index.php/newsletter)


Patron: HRH The Princess Royal

President: Brig P Dennis CBE 

26 July 2024     WFRA NEWSLETTER           Volume 15 Issue 31


This week the Mercian Regiment said a fond farewell to Cpl Derby XXXII and Notts II as they head for a much deserved retirement at the Chatsworth estate.


Cpl Derby and Notts II at Chatsworth

Ram Major Cpl Philip Thornton and Ram Orderly Pte Kieran Bramley getting one last photo together with Cpl Derby XXXII prior to his return to Chatsworth for retirement.


The Heart of England’s Infantry

Dear Regimental Family Member,

The next edition of the Mercian Regiment Quarterly Newsletter is now available for reading.

Our newsletter covers recent events over a three month period within the regiment; including the battalions, the museums, Mercian cap-badged cadets, and our associations.


View our Newsletter

The newsletter is hosted online, which means that you can view it on your smartphone or tablet while on-the-go. A print-friendly version is also available here.
We would like to extend a thank you to all who are involved with the MERCIAN regiment for your continued support.

Stand Firm, Strike Hard.
The Mercian Regiment



There will be a Worcester Branch Meeting on Tuesday 30 July 2024 at 19:30hrs for 20:00hrs start.

At The Barbourne Ex Services Club The Moors, Worcester WR1 3ED.

There will be a raffle after the meeting if you have anything to donate please bring it along.




We are delighted to announce a fantastic opportunity within Nottingham Forest Community Trust for a Forest Forces Coordinator position, offering a competitive pay of £15 - £20 per hour for a permanent role of 8 hours per week.

Responsibilities include:

Coordinate the delivery of all Forest Forces activities.

Develop and maintain effective working relationships with partner organisations and key stakeholders.

Contribute to revenue generation and help identify funding sources and opportunities.

Represent the Trust publicly at meetings, conferences and other events.


Skills, Knowledge and Experience

Lived experience of being in the Armed Forces.

Driving License.

Experience of working in community settings.

Understanding of the barriers of potential engagement.

Represent Nottingham Forest Community Trust in a professional manner with respect to attitude, work ethic, appearance, conduct and personal hygiene.

Read the full job description and apply here

Application deadline: 29th July 2024.


This years Band & Drums Reunion will be taking place on Saturday 21st October 2023. At 
The Coopers Brooke. Mansfield Road, Daybrook Nottingham. NG5 6BH. Next door to this venue is a Premier Inn Hotel.

We advise that anyone that wishes to attend the Reunion Book a room at this Hotel.
Partners of Band & Drum Members are also welcome to join us on the day.

To Book your Place at the Reunion Dinner please contact the Organiser;
Ken Bradshaw at ken.bradshaw18@ntlworld.com. Where there is a Menu Selection to 
choose from. Payment is required in advance to confirm attendance.

There is a “WOOFER BAND (WFR) REUNION” Facebook Page where anyone can visit . 
Any past Members of the Band and Drums can join the Facebook Page and connect with 
as many “Old Friends” as they can.


Dear Regimental Family member,

You can now download the MERCIAN Connect App for free and register. You will need the one-time access code RAM

Mobile Download
Please download the ‘Military App’ from the app stores on your mobile device and ‘Register’ using the code above:

Click here for a step-by-step guide

For technical support at any stage email help@militaryapp.org

Website Access

If you prefer to access the platform from a home or work computer or laptop / tablet you can ‘Register’ using the web-app on our regimental website.

Web Access

Please click on the link below to watch a Mercian Connect launch video from Brigadier Paddy Ginn CBE from Kabul, Afghanistan.

Launch Video

"The Mercian Regiment has, since its inception, been a bastion of camaraderie and a cohesive, close knit, family Regiment. Today, with the introduction of Mercian Connect, we are poised to elevate that bond and strengthen it into the future.

Mercian Connect has been developed to serve as a cohesive platform, uniting our Regimental Family; veterans, families, the currently serving members of The Mercian Regiment and its antecedent regiments. This comprehensive application is dedicated to enhancing communication and ensuring you are well-informed about all activities and developments within The Regiment.

When you download the app and connect for the first time, you will discover a multitude of groups tailored to specific interests. Whether your inclination is to remain apprised of the latest news from The Regiment, follow Regimental sports, or engage with our Regimental museums, Mercian Connect provides a group that caters to your preferences. Furthermore, the application includes specialized groups focused on wellbeing and mental health, as well as news and entertainment, among other interests.

The primary objective of Mercian Connect is clear: to provide a platform that keeps our regimental family well-informed, connected, and supported. By joining the groups that align with your interests, you will gain access to invaluable resources that were previously unattainable through traditional communication channels.

I encourage all members of The Mercian Regiment family to download Mercian Connect at your earliest convenience, if you haven’t already, so that we may strengthen our communications with you, our Regimental family."

Lieutenant General Sir Ian Cave KCB

Stand Firm, Strike Hard

For FAQs or more information about how to make the most out of the App visit  https://www.militaryapp.org/support/faq

Please spread the word and forward to your groups and friends from the Regiment.

Thank you from the

MERCIAN Connect Team


90%of people with severe mental illness want to work,
yet only 8% are employed
IPS Grow & Futures Positive are changing that!

Did you know Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire NHS offer Employment Support to 
individuals accessing Community Mental Health Services?
No, well these well-established teams deliver a programme called Individual Placement 
and Support (IPS), which offers individualised support in line with an individual’s 

So, what is IPS?
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an employment  support approach that was 
originally developed for people experiencing mental health and addiction issues. The 
approach is now increasingly being implemented in a range of settings including 
supporting veterans, people with physical health issues and prison leavers.

Why use IPS?
Access to the right job with the right support plays a key role in recovery, confidence and 
expands social networks. Suitable work is good for wellbeing – Getting back into 
employment can be a vital part of a recovery journey. Individuals experiencing severe 
mental illness who find paid work show reduced symptoms, gain financial independence, 
and have improved quality of life.

Want to know more?
Then you can access more information about our services and how you can self-refer on 
the links below.

Nottinghamshire NHS
Employment Support Services for people using secondary mental health services, Future’s
Positive (nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk)

Derbyshire NHS
work your way (derbyshirehealthcareft.nhs.uk)

We work with employers too!
If you are an employer, with recruitment opportunities then we can support you too! Our 
service is FREE, and we will come and meet with you at your place of business to find out 
more about the company, vacancies, and your recruitment process. We will work closely 
with you and offer a job matching service with the clients who are looking for an 
opportunity to become a valued member of your team.

To find out more you can contact. 

Jamie Jones (Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)
Email: jamie.jone9@nhs.net
Mob: 07585 992 519

Claire Sharpe (Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)
Email: claire.sharpe@nottshc.nhs.uk
Mob: 07825 858 450

Leissa Philpott (Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)
Email: leissa.philpott@nottshc.nhs.uk
Mob: 07824 104 334


Ernest Townsend 1880 - 1944

An artist who disguised a Rolls-Royce factory roof as houses during World War Two to prevent Nazi aerial attacks has been nominated to have a council chamber named in his honour.

Ernest Townsend painted the factory roof in Derby so it blended in with the surrounding houses.

The factory was making Merlin aircraft engines for the British war effort.

Mayor of Derby Alan Graves said: "It can be argued that he saved Great Britain with his artistic abilities."

The city council said Townsend, who was born in the city in 1880, protected the factory and its thousands of workers throughout the war.

An image of the factory roof during the war showing painted outlines used for the disguise

Mr Townsend's son Bruce Townsend said his father had a strange way of working out how he would camouflage the roofs at the factory in Nightingale Road.

"My father had a cardboard model made of the Rolls-Royce site which he used to experiment his ideas with," he said.

"He had an artist studio at 31 Full Street in Derby which was on the second floor - this is where he came up with his plan."

Bruce said his father, despite not owning the building where his studio was located, decided to remove part of the floor so he was able to get a perspective of the model factory from the floor above.

"After many experiments, my father looked down at the model from the top floor to see what the enemy pilots would be able to see from the sky", said Bruce.

"He experimented with oil paints, where he painted various things on a cut-out of a canvas, laying them on the model buildings to then see how they looked from the sky to see if they would work as a camouflage."

An aerial image from 1948 shows how Townsend's paint job helped the factory blend in with nearby houses

Bruce said his father also painted the tarmac around the factory to suit the layout of the fictional "estate" and painted circular clock faces on the water tower on the same site to disguise them as a church with a clock tower.

Asked if he thought his father was an unsung hero, Mr Townsend said: "Yes I suppose he was.

"I'm sure he would be extremely proud and I would be extremely proud as his son to receive this honour."

Councillor Alan Graves said: "I think he should be recognised by Derby.

"It can be argued he saved Great Britain with his artistic abilities by disguising Rolls-Royce right here in the city.

"By maintaining the secrecy of his work, he did not receive the recognition that his efforts deserved during his lifetime, so I thought why don't we name something grand in the council house to honour him?"


The following are available to support veterans and their families who may be experiencing mental health or any other difficulties;

Forcesline Tel: 0800 731 4880 (between 9am and 5pm Monday-Friday)

Forces in the Community  Tel 0115 922 0320 https://www.forces.org.uk/

Combat Stress (24 hours)
Veterans and their families; Tel: 0800 138 1619
Serving personnel and their families; Tel: 0800 323 4444

Samaritans (24 hours); Tel: 116 123

Safe Harbour 07799 671 979  janeager06@yahoo.co.uk

for Executive Committee


Social media :-
Mercian Museum (WFR Collection)

Mercian Museum (WFR Collection)

Stand Firm Strike Hard

Worcestershire Soldier

Worcestershire Soldier

Copyright © 2016 The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association, All rights reserved.

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Horseguards Parade Remembrance Sunday
Worksop Branch on Remembrance Sunday
Chesterfield Branch at Crich on Armistice Day
Mansfield Branch Armistice day
Click for Map
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